Written on 오후 6:44 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
Both GlassFish Server v2 and v3 Prelude are fully supported, production-ready distributions. Choosing one is mainly based on the features that you need for your particular deployment scenario. If you need clustering, high availability and complete Java EE 5 specification support, choose GlassFish Server v2. If you need leading edge web application technologies, web services and scripting, choose GlassFish Server v3 Prelude.
둘은 쓰임새가 완죤 틀리다는 거~
v2는 클러스터로
v3는 edge 웹앱으로
그럼 썬글래스피시포트폴리오의 엔터프라이즈 서버를 v2로 하느냐 v3로 하느냐에 따라 다른 쓰임새.. 오케이.. 슬슬 뭔가가 잡히는 듯..쿄쿄쿄..
Posted in
Written on 오후 6:39 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
이건 v2와는 다른 gui 기반 설치파일도 제공. (그외 기타 등등)
역시 영문판과 ML 판 2가지..차이는 2M 정도..
Multilingual support is available in French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Korean. (한국어포함이라는게 얼매나 다행인지..--; 으쌰으쌰)
단, 주의사항. JDK 최소 1.5.0_15 이상이어야 함
Note: all installations require J2SE 5.0. Recommended minimum version is 1.5.0_15.
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Written on 오전 4:59 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
현재 다운로드 링크.
각 OS 선택에 2가지 버전이 공급되는데, ml 즉 (MultiLigual)과 영문판.
둘의 차이는 약 2M 정도.
영문판으로 진행하려면 처음부터 용량이 적은 영문판만 받아 설치할 것.
이 경우 예전 opensso 때 경험을 미루어보면 설치시 한글 OS와 로케일(ko관련 properties) 때문에 설치 진행이 안될수도 있다. opensso 때는 그랬슴. 글래스피시 영문판은 안해봐서 모름.. --;
Posted in
Written on 오전 4:49 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
How do I know which release is the latest production release of GlassFish?
글래스피시 최신 제품에 대해서는 어데서?
The GlassFish For Business blog is a good source of release information, as is the downloads page (anything with "build" in its title means it hasn't been officially released yet).
음.. 3월에 하는 웨비나에서는 ESB에 대해 한다니 꼬옥 들어야지.. 오늘 webinar도 재미있었당~
음.. sun fire 장비를 어데서 구해서 glassfish 튜닝 해봐야 하는데.. 뭐..어캐 되겠지..--;
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Written on 오전 4:48 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
Where can I get a GlassFish picture/logo to use on my web page?
내 웹페이지에 사용할 글래스피시 그림/로고는 어데서?
Community buttons and logos are listed on this page.Sun GlassFish Partners need to request their logo from a Sun contact
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Written on 오전 4:42 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
Any Dos and Don'ts I should know about when using GlassFish in demos?
데모로 글래스피시를 사용할때 해도 되는 것, 하면 안되는 것?
This blog entry gives some recommendations on how to use GlassFish in demos. Some of these apply to every-day use of GlassFish.
+ 몇개만
글래스피시 v1보다는 v2를 사용하길. v1은 사실 v2/v3와는 기반부터가 다르다. --;
undeploy 하기전에 delete 하지 말것
설정 파일(domain.xml 등)들의 수동 편집시 주의 기타 등등
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Written on 오전 4:39 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
How do I use just part of the GlassFish Application Server? I don't need or want everything.
글래스피시 어플리케이션 서버의 일부분만 사용하려면? 난 다 필요한거는 아닌데?
This question was originally posed in this thread and the issue has been raised before.
The forum member who posed the question wants to use just some of the functionality in GlassFish, but doesn't need or want all of it (for instance, use just the SIP servlet container but not EJB support, etc.).
Jerome responded:
This is not possible with GlassFish v2 since it would have required that each container can be plugged out. This is however the bulk of the work we are doing in GlassFish v3, where you will be able to get the exact set of features you require. We are not expecting to have the SIP container working in v3 anytime soon, most likely after the summer (of 2008). In the meantime, I am afraid you have no choice but to carry the extra baggage.
NOTE: What's planned for GlassFish v3 in this area is also discussed in What is the difference between Tomcat and GlassFish?.
글래스피시 v2 에서는 불가, 그러나 v3에서는 플러거블(pluggable) 가능 유도. 특히 이 사안은 SIP 컨테이너때문인듯 한데, v3에서는 배제한다고 혔으나..음.. v3 prelude 정리하면서 봐야겠군..
Posted in
Written on 오전 4:36 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
Where can I find a comparison between GlassFish and other open source Application Servers?
글래스피시와 기타 오픈소스 어플리케이션 서버들과 비교점은 어데서?
This thread provides a good discussion. Comparisons are also made in this blog post, especially in the comments. Arun also lists key GlassFish differentiators in What's the big deal about GlassFish?
역시 아룬 굽타.. 제일 존경하는 아키텍트 중 한 사람.. 진짜 존경스럽다..ㅠㅠ
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Written on 오전 4:25 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
What is the difference between Tomcat and GlassFish?
톰캣과 글래스피시와 차이점은?
Tomcat is a servlet container that can host JSP and servlets. GlassFish is a
Java EE 5-compliant application server that includes implementation for a Web services stack (
Metro), EJBs, Java Persistence, and many others included in the
Java EE 5 specification. GlassFish also provides the out-of-the-box clustering, centralized administration, high availability, and load balancing capabilities required for enterprise applications. The GlassFish web container is a fork of Tomcat 5.5. Why a fork? The Tomcat folks were making incompatible interface changes while GlassFish was trying to stabilize the code base (not a complaint, just reality). This
GlassFish and Tomcat Comparison page also lists differences. (이 비교페이지 꼭 볼것..기타 웹로직과 웹스피어와도 비교이나..아마 위키 작성자가 이 둘은 잘 모르는 듯. ㅋㅋ ???의 연속이군..)
톰캣은 JSP와 서블릿을 중재하는 서블릿 컨테이너. 글래스피시는 웹 서비스 스택(메트로), EJBs, 자바 퍼시스턴스, 그리고 기타 많은 Java EE 5 스펙을 구현하는 Java EE 5-호환 어플리케이션 서버.
Think GlassFish is too big, and
forces you to run more than you really need? The "all-or-nothing" nature of GlassFish goes away in
GlassFish v3. The modular architecture of GlassFish v3 will provide lightweight, more "Tomcat-like" distribution options and enable you to roll out as much or as little of the GlassFish server as you need. Item A on the
GlassFish v3 Themes page (Modularity and Extensibility) describes what's planned.
NOTE: This "What is the difference..." question was one of many questions answered in the following blog posts from
Arun, which might also be of interest:
http://blogs.sun.com/arungupta/entry/glassfish_delhi_universityhttp://blogs.sun.com/arungupta/entry/glassfish_bangalore_chennai_and_puneAll of Arun's Q & A blog entries are available
발표자료 중 톰캣과 글래스피시에서의 request 처리 퍼포먼스 비교가 있었다.. 음.. request 건 수 많아지면 톰캣하면 안되겠군.. 쩝.. 역시 괜히 WAS 가 아녀... 헐
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Written on 오전 4:24 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
What's GlassFish market share compared to other app servers? 다른 App 서버들과 비교하여 글래스피시 시장 점유도는?
Eduardo's answer:
There a number of surveys and they all are showing improvements. The tricky part is that there is a substantial lag in the surveys. By the time ZDNet or Evans Surveys show the result they are at least 6 months old. To boot, Evans Surverys NAD (North American Developer Survey) changed the format and it is extra old. I'm very much looking forward to the updated percentages to see where we are.
In the meantime, check out these...
http://blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/entry/what_a_difference_18_months http://blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/entry/zdnet_glassfish_validating_sun_s http://blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/entry/from_#8_to_#2_- http://blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/entry/another_month_another_glassfish_geo http://blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/tags/adoption
자세한건 해당 링크에..ㅋ
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Written on 오전 4:22 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
What is the Roadmap?
The General Information section on the main page of the GlassFish Wiki provides roadmap information.
현재 글래스피시 v3 prelude 까지 진행중. v2와 v3은 서버 instance에 차이가 있슴
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Written on 오전 4:20 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
How often can I get an update of GlassFish?
글래스피시 업데이트는 얼마나 자주?
Updated builds for GlassFish are posted every night to glassfish.dev.java.net (click Download to access the main download page). These code pushes have undergone very basic testing to ensure they will build and execute but have not been tested as thoroughly as the production releases. Additionally, you have read access to the same CVS tree as the developers, so you always see the latest versions of the code there. Occasionally, typically weekly or so, a "promoted" build is pushed that has been more thoroughly tested and will contain many more documented features than the regular nightly builds.
업데이트된 글래스피시 빌드는 glassfish.dev.java.net 에 매일 밤 포스트됨.
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Written on 오전 4:14 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
Is GlassFish really free to use?
글래스피시는 정말 사용하는데 공짜?
Yes! The GlassFish Application Server is open source and totally free to use. Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server (previously named Sun Java System Application Server) is Sun's commercial version of GlassFish with a different installer and is also totally free to use.
네~! 글래스피시 어플리케이션 서버는 오픈 소스이자 완전히 사용하는데 무료. 썬 글래스피시 엔터프라이즈 서버(이전 이름은 썬 자바 시스템 어플리케이션 서버)는 다른 인스톨러(설치 프로그램)을 가진 글래스피시의 썬의 상용 버전으로 이역시 사용하는데 완전히 무료.
So how does Sun make money if GlassFish and Sun's commercial offering are open source? In a word, services. Sun makes money selling services under the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server brand, namely support, consulting and training.
그럼 글래스피시와 썬의 상용 제공 버전은 어떻게 수익을 창출하는지? 간단히 말하면, 서비스~로. 썬은 썬 글래스피시 엔터프라이즈 서버 브랜드, 즉 지원, 컨설팅 그리고 교육 등을 통해 각종 서비스를 수익 모델로 제시.
This FAQ provides a good comparison between GlassFish v2 and Sun's commercial offering. Whether you are using GlassFish or Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server, the bits are free for development and production. After installation, the bits laid down on disk by the GlassFish v2 installer are the same as when you install the base Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 9.1 bundle. The Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server w/HADB bundle adds HADB, Mozilla, NSS libraries, and 3rd-party Data Direct drivers. If you look at the table in the FAQ, you can see that there are no major differences between GlassFish and Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. That's by design. Eduardo has a good writeup about how Sun productizes open source.
If you plan to go into production and want to purchase support (or purchase support in the future), Sun recommends installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server on production systems. Alexis has an excellent writeup about the benefits of support. The most important points are timely and accurate responses to questions with an SLA, access to the sustaining branch, and indemnification. Indemnification is a benefit of the support contract, not the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server bits themselves. Arun also writes about the benefits of subscription in 3 Steps for Successful GlassFish Deployment.
Posted in
Written on 오전 4:12 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
Where can I get GlassFish?
글래스피시는 어데서 구하나?
GlassFish releases and technology previews can be downloaded from the GlassFish downloads page.
글래스피시 릴리즈 및 기술 프리뷰는 다음에서 다운로드 (위 다운로드 페이지 링크) 참조
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Written on 오전 4:09 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
Where do I go to access the GlassFish project?
글래스피시 프로젝트는 어데서?
Visit the community site at http://glassfish.org/. Nightly builds and the source code for the application server are available on this site, as are e-mail lists, discussion forums, news, feedback, licensing information, and extensive help resources.
커뮤니티 사이트는 여기 http://glassfish.org/ . 각종 빌드와 소스 코드 및 이메일 리스트, 포럼, 뉴스, 피드백, 라이센스 정보 및 도움 리소스 등 제공
The GlassFish Wiki at http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/ complements the community site and serves as another valuable, collaborative resource for the GlassFish community.
글래스피시 위키는 저기 참조
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Written on 오전 3:59 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
What is Project GlassFish?
프로젝트 글래스피시는 뭐?
The GlassFish community is building open source, production-quality, enterprise software. The main deliverables are an Application Server, the Java EE 5 Reference Implementation, and the Java Persistence API Reference Implementation, TopLink Essentials.
글래스피시 커뮤니티는 오픈소스, 제품 퀄리티, 엔터프라이즈 SW 구축. 글래스피시 커뮤니티의 메인 실행 가능 제품들로는 어플리케이션 서버, Java EE 5 레퍼런스 구현, Java Persistence API 레퍼런스 구현, TopLink Essentials 구현물 등이 있다.
The mature code base is a result of Sun donating the Sun Java System Application Server 8.x to the community. As such, the community is led by Sun with Governance currently being defined. Oracle and Ericsson are also major contributors, donating Toplink Essentials and SIP Servlet technology respectively.
글래스피시 커뮤니티에 도움(소스 등 기여)을 준 협력체 (contributors)
썬의 썬 자바 시스템 어플리케이션 서버 8.X
오라클의 TopLink Essentials
에릭슨의 SIP Servlet Technology 등.
Enterprise-ready features delivered by GlassFish v2 include: (글래스피시 v2에 포함)
Clustering (클러스터링)
In-memory session replication for scaling applications deployments to meet demand. Clusters can be grown (or reduced) dynamically to meet customer demand.
High availability offers continuous service availability in event of server failure
Advanced Centralized Management
Manage cluster (and individual instance) lifecycle. Create, start, stop, delete clusters and instances dynamically.
Centralized cluster configuration (중앙집중화된 클러스터 설정)
Centralized application lifecycle management. Deploy/undeploy applications from a centralized location.
Centralized monitoring (here) (here(here), also exposed via JMX for 3rd party tools
Call flow monitoring to detail where a transaction is spending time in the application server
Best-in-class performance (퍼포먼스)
Web Services interoperability with Microsoft .NET 3.0 (닷넷 3.0 과 웹 서비스 호환)
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Written on 오전 3:54 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
What is an Application Server?
어플리케이션 서버란?
An application server is a piece of software that serves applications through the internet to provide a service. Java EE Application Servers do this by implementing the Java EE Specification. Glassfish is a Java EE Application Server.
어플리케이션 서버란 인터넷을 통해 서비스를 제공하는 어플리케이션을 공급하는(serve) 하나의 소프트 웨어. Java EE 어플리케이션 서버는 Java EE 스펙을 구현하여 앞서 설명한 일을 함. 글래스피시가 바로 Java EE 어플리케이션 서버임.
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Written on 오전 3:29 by 강여사(J.Y.Kang)
Why the name GlassFish?
왜 이름이 유리물고기(이하 글래스피시)인지?
One of the founders, Eduardo, says it means "transparent development". Another member of the team said, "It's see-through :-)". So the name "glassfish" is intended to depict the transparency of open source development, where everything is visible. This page (revision-1) was last changed on 19-Sep-07 12:40 PM, -0700 by Tom Amiro.
창립자중 한사람, Eduardo 가 말하길 "투명한 개발". 팀의 또다른 멤버왈, "안이 다 들여다 보이네 그랴..:-)" 하야~, "유리물고기"라는 말은 모든 게 적나라하게 보여지는 오픈 소스 개발의 투명성을 묘사했다는 의도로 만들어짐.
썬 홈피에 영문을 강여사 맘대로 번역. 딴지사절. 복사금지. --+
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